When To Use Overhead Cranes That Have Different Lifting Capacities

The lifting capacity of cranes is often the main reason that people invest in this equipment. This refers to how much weight the cranes are able to lift. If you know how much the containers you are lifting every day weigh, you can quickly make a decision on which overhead crane would be best suited for your business. There are multiple types of cranes that have different lifting capacities. That’s why you must be very careful when making your selection. This will provide you with an overview of when to use overhead cranes that have different lifting capacities at different areas of your facility.

Why The Lifting Capacity Matters So Much

When assessing overhead cranes, the lifting capacity is a very important feature to assess. This is true for three reasons. Obviously, the lifting capacity references how much weight the crane can lift. However, it also helps you understand what the maximum amount it can lift is and when the integrity of the system will begin to buckle. That’s why you may want to choose one that has a higher lifting capacity (mayor capacidad de elevaciĆ³n). By obtaining one that far surpasses this number, you won’t have to worry when you get heavier items that need to be processed. It may cost more money, but it will also save you money by not compromising your overhead crane when less manageable items arrive at your facility.

Factors Directly Related To The Lifting Capacity

The lifting capacity also can affect several other factors of these machines. For instance, the maximum lifting speed can be much lower when you are lifting heavier items. It can also factor into how safe these are to use. Heavier amounts of weight will not only potentially compromise the physical system, but it could cause cables to break, or hydraulic systems to go out, which can lead to significant safety issues.

When To Use Specific Overhead Cranes That Have Differing Lifting Capacities

If you have installed multiple overhead cranes, you may want to shift your operations to accommodate their capabilities. If you are installing a new one, you can also make a similar adjustment. For smaller items (menos de 5 ton) coming in, you will use overhead cranes with minimal lifting capacities. If you are working with containers that have an extreme amount of weight, then only those overhead cranes that can lift 50 tons or more should be used for this part of business operations.

In most cases, common sense will dictate which ones you will use when lifting different loads. Overhead cranes are not all created the same. Although they may have a lifting capacity that seems adequate, you must also assess the integrity of the structure of the system. In some cases, the hoist may be incapable of withstanding the heavy amounts of weight that the overhead crane can lift. Consider doing safety checks on how it is welded to the interior structure. Also consider checking the cables that are used. All of these factors must be assessed when choosing to use overhead cranes that have different lifting capacities.