The Proper Steps For Completing A Gantry Crane Installation

If you have recently made an investment in a new gantry crane, you may wonder what the steps are for setting it up. The installation of this crane needs to be done properly. If you are lifting 50 tons or more, or even a single ton, you need to keep your workers safe. The steps that you will take will ensure that it will work properly. It should also be placed in an area where it will be the most useful. All of the components will be shipped in separate containers. Once they arrive, you will need to put everything together. Here are the proper steps to completing a gantry crane(puente grua portico) installation.

30 Ton gantry Crane
30 Ton gantry Crane For Sale

Installing The Gantry Crane Legs

The first step is always the installation of the beams that will serve as the legs of the gantry crane. These provide lower support. The size of the beams, and their overall length, will have already been determined prior to your order. Once you have bolted these into the ground, you will be ready to move on to the next step.

Install The Top Beam

To make sure that the support beams below remain stationary, the next step would be installing the upper beam. This will rest on the tops of the two beams you have just installed. These are often referred to as single or double girders(grua rmg). This will require either using bolts or weld. Once this is completed, you can move on to the next step.

Installing The Hoist

The hoist is the portion of the gantry crane that is going to do part of the lifting. The other part is handled by the hydraulic and electrical systems that will provide the power for the lifting process. The hoist may be installed below a trolley which will move back and forth along the lower portion of the beam. Once that is installed, and connected to your electrical system, you will then want to begin to test your gantry crane.

gantry crane for sale
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Installing The Electrical System

The final stage of this process is the electrical system. All modern gantry cranes are controlled from a console where you are able to lift and lower(capaz de subir y bajar) different items. You will already know what the maximum capacity is for your gantry crane. This is dependent upon the size of the beams, the hoist, and the lifting capacity of that particular gantry crane. Once all of the wires are connected, you will then want to test how it functions by lifting something relatively small. After proper testing, you will then be ready to use it for your business for lifting and lowering items you are shipping or storing.

By following these simple steps, you can easily construct a gantry crane using nothing more than the pieces that are provided. It is important to use tools necessary to combine everything together which may include standard tools and a welding apparatus. Proper inspections must be done on a regular basis to maintain the integrity of the gantry crane. Essentially, you need to know that it was constructed in the right way. Through constant monitoring and maintenance, this will likely last for many decades at your place of business.

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